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Meet Hilary

Certified Health Coach 


If someone had told me back in 2012, that some day I would be a health coach - I would have laughed in their face.  And then I probably would have gone somewhere by myself and cried.  You see, at the time, after battling chronic pain and a serious blood clotting disorder for 6 years - I was told by an endocrinologist that I was dying. 


Between 2006 and 2012 I suffered several Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clots in my legs), a Bi-Lateral Pulmonary Embolism and at least one heart attack.  One specialist after another put me on blood thinners and pain medications.  The higher the doses of blood thinners, the more pain I experienced in my joints.  The more pain, the less I moved.  The less I moved the more weight I gained. With the rapid weight gain I was having issues with pretty much all of my organs and joints and the side effects of the pharmaceutical drugs were slowly killing me.


That doctor told me I was too obese to try losing weight.  I would never be successful, I was too overweight to qualify for weight loss surgery and I should go home and spend time with my young children before I die.


Say what?  I don’t think so!  I had a husband and three children at home.  That alone was four pretty good reasons to fight.  That day – I went home and searched on the internet for a piece of exercise equipment I could use SITTING DOWN.  I thought that finding a way to MOVE was the first step.  Then I told my hubby that while all these drugs were keeping me alive, I had zero quality of life and I needed to stop them all, immediately.  I went in search of natural supplements that could thin my blood and ways to relieve my pain without morphine.  I also went in search of a new general physician who could help me without judging me – I wasn’t ready to die.  I was ready to fight and take my life back.


I found out that my pain had been primarily rooted in the fact that the blood thinners they had been giving me were causing me to bleed out in my joints.  It made the smallest movement painful. I had always had a fairly healthy diet and due to health issues with our kids I had for years been avoiding highly processed foods, dyes and chemicals in our home.  But it didn’t matter how much salad I ate – It didn’t help.  *Years later I now know the secrets as to why nothing was working!!!


I found natural methods of healing and supplements to aid me on this journey.  Everything from Essential Oils to Yoga and Meditation.  I bought a pair of running shoes and did my own 30 min workouts twice a day using my Ab Doer Twist and Yoga.  I bought a step tracker and set a goal to move 100 steps in a day with no tears.  And my first big weight loss goal was to be able to put my own socks on again. Small hinges swing big doors.  Baby Steps.


I had become so isolated and cut off from the world around me.  I had become so ashamed of myself that I didn’t want to attend things with my family – not because I thought they would be embarrassed of me, but because I was so worried someone else would say something and they would feel the need to defend me.  It had happened before and that is why I shut down.  But even though I thought I was being kind to them, I was actually stealing from them the moments that every kid needs like having mom see you perform or play in a soccer game.


In 2013, I changed my whole life by changing the way I thought.  I adopted the theory or mantra that Thoughts Become Things.  I completely changed my world.  I did my very best to ONLY think positively.  I removed or distanced myself from the people, places and things that drained my energy or gave me a negative vibe.  I adopted an attitude of gratitude and started journaling. 


By 2014 I had a blog running online about my Journey to a healthier me and had over 400 followers!  I was advocating for people who had similar experiences and fighting for my life.  I was determined to take my health back.  I had lost over 100 lbs on my own, no surgeries, no doctors, no help – just me, hard work, and a lot of research. Unfortunately with the continued presence of this clotting disorder – I suffered with a few more DVT and another heart attack in 2015.  Since the warfarin was not an option and I was still too heavy for the types of anticoagulants that do not require consistent INR testing I spent months giving myself heparin injections to deal with these clots.  It was painful and I was irritable and I wanted to give up many times but I persisted.


In 2016 I found a new family doctor, one who had the same philosophy as me that pharmaceutical drugs can be necessary sometimes to treat urgent issues but that in the long run they often cause more damage with their side effects than good.  He supported my efforts to lose weight from a holistic approach and helped me navigate the journey more confidently.


By 2018 I had lost so much weight and had improved the state of my kidneys, my liver, my heart and my  lungs to the point that so many people that had been following my journey wanted help!  All I felt “qualified” to do was tell them – “this is what worked for me” or “this is what I tried”.  So I dug deep in my soul and decided that maybe all these years of suffering and battling my health could serve a bigger purpose.  Maybe I finally had the answer to my never-ending question to God – Why Me?  I enrolled in a program to become a Health Coach and I never looked back!


I spent 2019 taking classes and working with practice clients and now I work as a certified health coach!!! My coaching has helped my clients lose over 1000 lbs collectively in one year alone!


I have lost over 400 lbs in total.  I have controlled type 2 diabetes.  I have a good functioning heart.  My kidneys are no longer in severe distress.  I take every day as a gift from God and a new opportunity to help someone and change a life.  Join me on this journey and I promise you won’t be disappointed!  You may even be a little inspired!  One little thing – the way you think, the things you think, can totally transform your life.  Let’s do this!

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