Coach Hilary here to tell you that there are really healthy snacks out there that you can eat on-the-go and guilt-free!
But first, why am I talking about healthy on-the-go snacks?
I’m talking about healthy snacks today because our modern lives get so busy, and that makes it hard to find time to pick out a healthy snack. But that doesn’t mean you have to compromise your health by settling for Twinkies! I love to keep raw veggies and guacamole prepped in the fridge or some quick cheese strings and meat will help with some protein to balance my glucose when I need something quick as well! I purchase many of the "instant" healthy snacks I make available for my family from Melaleuca! They have simple packaged snacks from Protein Crips to snack bars that I can toss in my purse or a lunch kit for the kids to keep us going between meals without the extra additives, sugar, preservatives and calories that we don't need! (See the cover pick for a small variety of snacks available from Melaleuca!)
So, what’s important about healthy snacking?
Healthy snacks are important for those in-between meal moments because they:
● Sustain your energy from meal to meal
● Stabilize your blood sugar
● Keep your mood steady and focus sharp
So how do I know what to look out for in healthy, on-the-go snacks?
● Nuts—an excellent source of high protein:
Look for raw or dry roasted and stay away from nuts with additives like vegetable oil and salt as these can turn rancid if they sit in a bag in a store.
● Fruit—packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants:
Look for organic fruit like bananas packed with potassium and oranges loaded with Vitamin C
● Yogurt—high in protein and good source of healthy fats:
Look for full-fat, organic yogurt or ones that do not contain artificial flavors or sweeteners like corn syrup.
● Hard boiled eggs—high source of protein and will keep your blood sugars level:
Boil them the night before and throw a couple in your bag.
● Peanut butter sandwich—also high in protein and stabilizes blood sugar:
Look for a brand that is organic or free of additives.
● Energy bars—a much healthier and nutritious alternative to chocolate bars:
Avoid brands with soy protein isolate and look for brands that contain over 10 grams of whey protein, hemp protein or pea protein.
● Dark chocolate—high in natural caffeine that can give you that energy boost:
Look for brands that list cacao as the first ingredient not sugar.
● Trail Mix—packed with a combo of proteins and sugars to increase your energy:
Look for a mix that doesn’t contain added vegetable oil and salt or buy a variety of nuts, seeds, raisins and cranberries at the health store to mix yourself.
● Raw veggies—slices of raw veggies are loaded with vitamins and minerals:
Choose organic veggies where possible and cut the morning of to maintain their maximum nutrients instead of buying pre-cut slices in a bag. Don't forget to check the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists on the net each year to see what is most important to by Organic - worldwide!
● Seeds—pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are high in sources of vegetable protein:
Look for raw seeds wherever possible. You can find them in the bulk food section.
What do I do now?
If you want to make sure that you’re eating healthy all the time, then contact me now to schedule a time to talk with me 1-on-1 (can be over the phone or online). I can help you shortlist the best foods for your body, so you can feel great and look great now!
To your health!